Monday, December 28, 2009

Sign the AHNC Petition

We the undersigned join the Anti-Hunger and Nutrition Coalition in urging the Washington State legislature to support Washington families by protecting and improving Washington’s hunger relief system. In these tough economic times, one in nine Washington families is struggling to put food on the table. The Governor’s proposed $2.6 billion in cuts to vital programs will only increase the level of unmet needs in the state.

Now more than ever, it is essential to make hunger relief programs a priority.

Protect current state funding for key programs, such as:
  • The Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP)
  • $393,000 to support the General Administration Food Programs that leverage millions in federal funding, food, and operational support
  • State contributions to WIC and for the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program
  • Washington Grown Fruits and Veggies Grant initiated by Local Farms Health Kids
  • State funding that insures access to school, summer, and child care meals

Feed hungry children in Washington all year long by providing an additional $250,000 in new state funds to address summertime child hunger and leverage $2-3 million additional federal funds through the Summer Meal Program.

Preserve Washington’s support for food banks and the tribal food program by ensuring the continued funding and efficiency of the Emergency Food Assistance Program in light of proposed move from the Department of Commerce to the Department of Agriculture.

Support prompt and accurate access to the Basic Food Program by restoring funds for local DSHS Community Service Offices and FTEs that help low-income families connect to the appropriate benefit programs in a prompt and respectful manner.

As other vital programs are being dismantled or cut, we must ensure that these important food and nutrition programs are sustained. Support for these programs is also necessary for maximizing access to the federal nutrition programs that bring in millions of dollars to Washington, feeding families and strengthening local economies.

As residents of the state of Washington, we urge the State Legislature and Governor to prioritize the health and nutrition needs of Washington families in these challenging times.


Whether you can attend Hunger Action Day or not, please click on the "Take Action" button below to sign on to the petition in support of the AHNC legislative agenda. The petition will automatically be sent to your represenatives in both the Washington State House and Senate and to the Governor - you can even personalize the letter before sending it.

Go sign the petition now!

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